conversion of an existing water system to solar powered

Do you have an existing borehole system powered by a petrol generator or grid, and desire a sustainable, reliable, and zero operational cost water pumping system that will provide your daily water needs and save you the huge money you spend daily just for pumping your water?  Hurray!!! You just found what you’ve been looking for in SolarBolts conversion of an existing borehole system to a smart solar-powered water borehole system.

We shall start by conducting a proper integrity and reliability test on all the parts of your existing system such as water tank, tank stand, well, pipes etc. This is followed by a detailed redesign of your existing borehole system to convert it to a suitable standalone solar-powered water system that will meet your daily water needs.

Our smart direct-coupled solar-powered water borehole system does not require inverters or battery banks. This makes our solution excellent, simplified and eliminates the cost and the technical expertise associated with the installation and maintenance of a battery-backup system.

Through SolarBolts smart, low-cost life cycle water solution system, you can get rid of the expensive and unnecessary energy bills associated with the fueling and maintenance of your petrol or diesel generator. Come take advantage of one of the only free things left, THE SUN…!