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Solar the Ultimate Solution to Sustainable Water System

Every region of the world is concerned about access to a secure and sustainable water supply. Groundwater is pumped using diesel-fueled systems in many communities, which are both costly and difficult to maintain. Solar energy can be a part of the solution in communities where power is scarce such as rural off-grid areas, which are either underserved or served by expensive fuel-driven pumps. 

Things have altered considerably in the past few years. Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, which powers the water pump have become substantially less expensive, and the technology has advanced to the point that it can now pump larger volumes of water and reach even deeper groundwater aquifers.

While the equipment is more expensive to purchase than other pumping options, the operating and maintenance costs are modest especially when compared with diesel pumping. The financial benefits of solar pumps surpasses its capital expenditure and is characterized with a long lifespan of 25 years. 

Various criteria are considered when building a solar pumping system, including water demand (volume), water storage, water depth (head), PV panel position, and solar irradiation, among others. 

Our solar experts at SolarBolts will give you a proper engineering design and sizing of your solar-powered water system components according to your daily water need. They will walk you through the installation process, and answer any of your questions. Contact us to get a quote!

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