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The Profits of Solar Water Pump System

There are several merits to solar energy, especially when it comes to agricultural application. If you have been considering installing solar water pumps on your property, whether that be a residential building, commercial building, farm for irrigation and livestock use, or any other aspect of your business, we think it’s important for you to know how beneficial this can be for you.At SolarBolts, we can provide you with smart solutions for the solar water pumping systems and other solar equipment you need for any application. From detailed design and installation of new solar power borehole system to conversion of existing non-solar borehole system to solar borehole system. In this blog, we will be discussing the several merits using solar pumping systems can offer.

Continue reading to learn more about these solar pumps and contact us today with any questions you may have about the solar-powered pumping systems.

Don’t Need External Power

The free energy from the SUN is the only power required. One of the biggest benefits of solar water pumps is the fact that you can use them anywhere. Even if you have a well on your property, miles from any source of power, you will still be able to pump water from your well thanks to solar. All you need is the sun and solar panels to make this work. This means that you don’t have to spend thousands trying to get a source of power out to your well location or find an alternative source of power, such as a windmill (which can be expensive and takes a lot to maintain). Solar is a reliable way to power your water pumps in remote areas.

Minimum Operating Cost

Since energy is coming from the sun, your utility bill will be drastically reduced. Solar pump systems do not have a large operating cost, since they are powered naturally by the sun. You don’t need to pay a ton of money every time you turn your pump on. Instead, you are saving money and pumping water for a more affordable price! A solar water pump is a great investment that will make you money in the long run.

Easy Maintenance

Solar water pumps are also easier to maintain than other pump power sources. These pump systems can run for years without needing any maintenance. There are not many mechanical components, making them less likely to break down and require new parts or repairs. Many of the Advanced Power customers have run their solar pump systems for more than 10 years without needing any maintenance. Of course, the more you prepare your solar pump system, the longer it will go without needing maintenance. An example of this is installing a weep hole for your solar pump system if you live in an area that sees freezing temperatures. If you neglect to do this, your pump can be ruined. Maintenance is also more affordable when it comes to solar water pumps. Not only will you rarely be doing maintenance on your solar pump system, but you will also not be spending a lot of money on repairs. One of the only maintenance tasks you will have to do is cleaning your solar panels once a year to keep them working efficiently.

Easy to Install

Solar water pumps are easy to install on your own. This means you don’t have to wait for someone to come out and get your water pump set up for you. Our solar pump experts can talk you through the process if you have any questions. You will be amazed at how easy it is to install your solar water pump system on your own.


Another benefit of solar pump systems is the fact that they are extremely efficient. Solar has improved drastically over the years, making it a great option when it comes to powering your good pump. If you live in a relatively sunny location, your solar pump will continue to work efficiently, while saving your money and making your property eco-friendlier.
There are many benefits to installing a solar water pump on your property. These are a few of the main benefits that a solar pump system can provide. You will be able to pump water efficiently, reduce operation costs, and have a system that can work in any remote location.
Contact us! Our solar experts at SolarBolts will help you with finding the right system, walk you through the installation process, and answer any of your questions. Get a quote!

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